Heilsa and welcome to the Sessrumnir Kindred Home Page.

Sessrumnir is the home of the goddess Freyja and translates as "many seats or benches." This Kindred, while being Asatru, welcomes all paths and those who journey upon them. We seek to further the knowledge of the Aesir and the Vanir and to continue to develop rites and rituals, to not only give Them homage, but also to enable us to make Their presence a source of strength to enable us to follow the Nine Noble Virtues of Asatru and to strive to gain the five-fold goals of Asatru. We are open minded, but draw the line at those who discriminate against others because of race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. We do not ascribe to the theory of racial purity or any of the political stances espoused by those who do. We are not Volkish, nor will we tolerate any volkishness because we feel that the Gods and Goddesses are freely open to all who call upon them.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sessrumnir Kindred Will Soon Celebrate Ten Years!

When I think about the last ten years of my life, I think about Sessrumnir Kindred. I was emerging from a troubled period of my life that began in youth. I had the fortuitous luck to meet a group of people who were mostly fairly new to the area who were starting a group for local heathens. I had little idea about asatru at the time. I had been following a wiccan path for a time and was still kind of looking for my spiritual path.

Through a local public pagan group I met the original core group of people and many others who's paths we've shared for a short time. In the early years it was not uncommon to have 20 or 30 people at ritual, because they knew the party afterward was going to be phenomenal. We have had members leave in dispute and have been involved in public pagan politics which is playing with fire in itself. We eventually removed ourselves from unproductive battles. After the fall out of trying to serve a larger purpose in the pagan community and having our efforts undercut by a few shortsighted community leaders we settled into a small core group with other members that have moved due to jobs and such. We are happy when we see them and think about them often. The local group still here meets as the feeling arises. We gather for ritual and socially. I count them among my closest family.

Soon Sessrumnir Kindred will celebrate its ten year anniversary. I present the new beacon for Sessrumnir Kindred on the web for the second ten years. Happy ten years SK, and thanks for being there.

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